مطالعه مورد جدید! Mediasmart در حال کاهش 78٪ تخلف از کیفیت تبلیغات تلفن همراه با خرید وی پی ان است

We are proud to share our latest case study with mediasmart, the first Spanish DSP focusing on the real time optimization of mobile advertising. Co-Founder & CEO, Noelia Amoedo had this to say, "We are proud to have integrated with خرید وی پی ان, a powerful, automated solution that protects our partners’ ad quality and enables us to continue to grow." 


By working with خرید وی پی ان, mediasmart has been able to:

  • Stop mobile auto-redirects from disrupting the user experience

  • Confidently enable customers to upload ad tags directly

  • Serve 8x more impressions without ad policy violations.



To read the full case study, click here.



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