استخراج بیت کوین ؟! Ad Malware برای جذب کاربران CPU شما کار می کند


As we covered a couple weeks ago, crypto-mining is one of the newest emergent threats in the online advertising ecosystem. Users' computers are being used to mine crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin, without their knowledge and their CPU usage is being drained.  Since it was first identified, it has been a priority at خرید فیلترشکن to stop this new iteration of crypto-mining malvertising.


خرید فیلترشکن, always on the front lines of user experience protection, has developed and implemented the tech to protect you and your users from this crypto-mining malvertising. Our security team has been analyzing this abnormal ad behavior and has identified additional domains and pinpointed specific malicious components. All users of the خرید فیلترشکن Verification system are fully protected against this malicious crypto-mining ad behavior.


Dive into our crypto-mining overview in our previous blog Cryptocurrency Malvertising Campaign Hijacks Users' Browsers.


If you're looking to protect your users and your brand against malicious activity like crypto-mining malware, please contact us.

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